13. Implicit Attribute by q¶
According to the new specifications we can use “ngsi-ld/v1/entities?q=attrX” for querying the data which we called as Implicit Attribute by q.
For the GET API to add the /ngsi-ld/v1/entities?q=attrX and based on q to identify this request and get response data.
The NGSI-LD query language allows filtering entities according to the existence of attributes.
For example: GET “/entities?q=attrX” will return only those entities that have an attribute called attrX. Regardless of the value of said attribute, if you instead want to filter on a value of an attribute: GET “/entities?q=attrX==12”
13.1. Example for Implicit Attribute by q¶
13.1.1. 1. Create Operation¶
In order to create an entity, we can hit the endpoint POST http://<IP Address>:<port>/ngsi-ld/v1/entities/ with the given payload.
"id": "urn:ngsi-ld:Vehicle:A100",
"type": "Vehicle",
"brandName": {
"type": "Property",
"value": "Swift"
"isParked": {
"type": "Relationship",
"providedBy": {
"type": "Relationship",
"object": "urn:ngsi-ld:Person:Bob"
"object": "urn:ngsi-ld:OffStreetParking:Downtown1"
"speed": {
"type": "Property",
"value": 27
"temperature": {
"type": "Property",
"value": 25,
"unitCode": "CEL"
"location": {
"type": "GeoProperty",
"value": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [
13.1.2. 2. Query Operation¶
To retrieve entity with implicit attribute by q, you can send an HTTP GET to - http://<IP Address>:<port>/ngsi-ld/v1/entities?q={attrX} and we will get all the entities that have an attribute called attrX.
EXAMPLE: Give back the Entities whose speed is equals to 27
GET - http://localhost:9090/ngsi-ld/v1/entities?q=speed==27
"id": "urn:ngsi-ld:Vehicle:A100",
"type": "Vehicle",
"brandName": {
"type": "Property",
"value": "Swift"
"isParked": {
"type": "Relationship",
"providedBy": {
"type": "Relationship",
"object": "urn:ngsi-ld:Person:Bob"
"object": "urn:ngsi-ld:OffStreetParking:Downtown1"
"speed": {
"type": "Property",
"value": 27
"temperature": {
"type": "Property",
"value": 25,
"unitCode": "CEL"
"location": {
"type": "GeoProperty",
"value": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [