11. Context Hosting¶
NGSI-LD Brokers optionally offer the capability to store and serve @contexts to clients. The stored @contexts may be managed by clients directly, via the APIs specified. Clients can store custom user @contexts at the Broker, effectively using the Broker as a @context server. Moreover, in order to optimize performance, NGSI-LD Brokers may automatically store and use the stored copies of common @contexts as a local cache, downloading them just once, thus avoiding fetching them over and over again at each NGSI-LD request. In order for the Broker to understand if a needed @context is already in the local storage or not, the Broker uses the URL, where the @context is originally hosted, as an identifier for it in the local storage.
There are following cases handles to manage @context server:
Cached : To be auto cached when broker request from external url, cached context will not be served by the broker on demand, and cached context should be invalidate after a fixed time.
Hosted : When user post @context, it need to be stored in database with a unique id.
ImplicitlyCreated : When a subscription body contains an array of contexts and notification is to be given in the form of application/json then these context should be hosted in broker and marked as implicitly created.
We can store @context to database and also download from other resource and store in the in-memory like cache memory.
11.1. Context Hosting Example¶
11.1.1. 1. Create Operation¶
In order to create an context, we can hit the endpoint POST http://<IP Address>:<port>/ngsi-ld/v1/jsonldcontext with the given payload.
"@context": {
"stringproperty": "http://testdom.com/stringproperty",
"intproperty": "http://testdom.com/intproperty",
"floatproperty": "http://testdom.com/floatproperty",
"complexproperty": "http://testdom.com/complexproperty",
"testrelationship": "http://testdom.com/testrelationship",
"TestType": "http://testdom.com/TestType"
11.1.2. 2. Query Operation¶
Show the list of @contexts
To show the list of @contexts, you can send an HTTP GET request to - http://<IP Address>:<port>/ngsi-ld/v1/jsonldcontexts and we will get the list of contexts.
GET - http://localhost:9090/ngsi-ld/v1/jsonldcontexts
Show the list of @contexts with context details
To show the list of @contexts with context details, you can send an HTTP GET request to - http://<IP Address>:<port>/ngsi-ld/v1/jsonldcontexts?details=true and we will get the list of contexts with context details.
GET - http://localhost:9090/ngsi-ld/v1/jsonldcontexts?details=true
"id": "urn:9155d599-0db4-4fb0-91ba-4f478090b0fc",
"body": {
"@context": {
"TestType": "http://testdom.com/TestType",
"intproperty": "http://testdom.com/intproperty",
"floatproperty": "http://testdom.com/floatproperty",
"stringproperty": "http://testdom.com/stringproperty",
"complexproperty": "http://testdom.com/complexproperty",
"testrelationship": "http://testdom.com/testrelationship"
"kind": "hosted",
"timestmp": "2023-02-09T11:10:07.707324",
"url": "http://localhost:9090/ngsi-ld/v1/jsonldContexts/urn:9155d599-0db4-4fb0-91ba-4f478090b0fc"
Show the list of @contexts with kind
To show the list of @contexts with kind either it can be Cached, Hosted or ImplicitlyCreated, you can send an HTTP GET request to - http://<IP Address>:<port>/ngsi-ld/v1/jsonldcontexts?kind=(kind} here we are getting contexts with kind=hosted, so we will get the list of contexts whose kind is equals to hosted.
GET - http://localhost:9090/ngsi-ld/v1/jsonldcontexts?kind=hosted
Show the @context with particular URI
To show the @context with a particular URI, you can send an HTTP GET request to - http://<IP Address>:<port>/ngsi-ld/v1/jsonldcontexts/{id} and we will get the @context with particular URI.
GET - http://localhost:9090/ngsi-ld/v1/jsonldcontexts/urn:9155d599-0db4-4fb0-91ba-4f478090b0fc
"@context": {
"TestType": "http://testdom.com/TestType",
"intproperty": "http://testdom.com/intproperty",
"floatproperty": "http://testdom.com/floatproperty",
"stringproperty": "http://testdom.com/stringproperty",
"complexproperty": "http://testdom.com/complexproperty",
"testrelationship": "http://testdom.com/testrelationship"
Show the @context with particular URI and context details
To show the @context with a particular URI and context details, you can send an HTTP GET request to - http://<IP Address>:<port>/ngsi-ld/v1/jsonldcontexts/{id}?details=true and we will get the @context with particular URI and context details.
GET - http://localhost:9090/ngsi-ld/v1/jsonldcontexts/urn:9155d599-0db4-4fb0-91ba-4f478090b0fc?details=true
"id": "urn:9155d599-0db4-4fb0-91ba-4f478090b0fc",
"body": {
"@context": {
"TestType": "http://testdom.com/TestType",
"intproperty": "http://testdom.com/intproperty",
"floatproperty": "http://testdom.com/floatproperty",
"stringproperty": "http://testdom.com/stringproperty",
"complexproperty": "http://testdom.com/complexproperty",
"testrelationship": "http://testdom.com/testrelationship"
"kind": "hosted",
"timestmp": "2023-02-09T11:10:07.707324",
"url": "http://localhost:9090/ngsi-ld/v1/jsonldContexts/urn:9155d599-0db4-4fb0-91ba-4f478090b0fc"
11.1.3. 3. DELETE Operation¶
If we want to delete the @context, then we need to make DELETE request with the URL http://<IP Address>:<port>/ngsi-ld/v1/jsonldcontexts/{id}.
DELETE - http://localhost:9090/ngsi-ld/v1/jsonldcontexts/urn:9155d599-0db4-4fb0-91ba-4f478090b0fc