20. Explicit @context in Subscriptions

In previous versions, the @context used for notifications was implicitly set to the @context used for the subscription, without allowing the user to change it. In NGSI-LD v1.7.1, we have made this @context explicit. User can now add a field called jsonldContext to specify the explicit @context in the subscription.

jsonldContext – The dereferenceable URI of the JSON-LD @context to be used when sending a notification resulting from the subscription. If not provided, the @context used for the subscription shall be used as a default.

20.1. Example for Explicit @context in Subscriptions

To create a subscription with an explicit @context, you can send a POST request to the following endpoint: http://<IP Address>:<port>/ngsi-ld/v1/subscriptions/ with the provided payload.

        "id": "urn:ngsi-ld:Subscription:testSubscription1",
        "type": "Subscription",
        "entities": [
                        "type": "TestType"
        "notification": {
                "format": "normalized",
                "endpoint": {
                        "uri": "http://localhost:8080",
                        "accept": "application/json"
        "jsonldContext": "http://localhost:9090/ngsi-ld/v1/jsonldContexts/urn:e732d9eb-2e0e-491c-8b26-c6a39136f2ff"