7. Batch Operation

Batch operation use when multiple entities would be created by user.

Batch queries support following operations:

  1. Create multiple entities

  2. Upsert multiple entity

  3. Update multiple entity

  4. Delete multiple entity.

For example: take a car as a entity1 and another car as a entity2 and room as a entity3.all have some attributes in case of car brand name and speed are an attribute and in case of room temperature is attribute so we can create/update all the entities by single request through the entity batch operation support.


These are the batch operation API’s.

  • /ngsi-ld/v1/entityOperations/create/

    Create multiple entities

  • /ngsi-ld/v1/entityOperations/upsert/

    Create multiple entity and also update the existing entity

  • /ngsi-ld/v1/entityOperations/update/

    Update only existing entities

  • /ngsi-ld/v1/entityOperations/delete/

    Delete existing entities

7.1. Batch Operation Response Codes

We adapted the Batch Operations Response Codes to better align with the non-Batch versions and to better reflect the cases where the operation was successful only for some of the individual requests in the batch (207).

Batch Operation Response Codes






201 Created

If all entities have been successfully created.

If all entities not existing prior to request have been successfully created and others successfully updated.



204 No content


If all entities previously existed and are successfully updated.

If all entities have been successfully updated.

If all entities already existed and have been successfully deleted.

207 Multi Status

If only some entities have been successfully created.

If only some or none of the entities have been successfully created or updated.

If only some or none of the entities have been successfully updated.

If some or all of the entities have not been successfully deleted, or did not exist.

400 Bad Request

If the request or its content is incorrect.

If the request or its content is incorrect.

If the request or its content is incorrect.

If the request or its content is incorrect.

7.2. API Walkthrough

1. http://<IP Address>:<port>/ngsi-ld/v1/entityOperations/create/ Body:

               "id": "urn:ngsi-ld:Vehicle:A101",
               "type": "Vehicle",
               "brandName": {
                       "type": "Property",
                       "value": "Mercedes"
               "speed": {
                       "type": "Property",
                       "value": 80
               "id": "urn:ngsi-ld:Vehicle:A102",
               "type": "Vehicle",
               "brandName": {
                       "type": "Property",
                       "value": "SUZUKI"
               "speed": {
                       "type": "Property",
                       "value": 81

2. http://<IP Address>:<port>/ngsi-ld/v1/entityOperations/upsert/ Body:

               "id": "urn:ngsi-ld:Vehicle:A101",
               "type": "Vehicle",
               "brandName": {
                       "type": "Property",
                       "value": "BMW"
               "speed": {
                       "type": "Property",
                       "value": 95
               "id": "urn:ngsi-ld:Vehicle:A102",
               "type": "Vehicle",
               "brandName": {
                       "type": "Property",
                       "value": "SUZUKI"
               "speed": {
                       "type": "Property",
                       "value": 85
               "id": "urn:ngsi-ld:Vehicle:A103",
               "type": "Vehicle",
               "brandName": {
                       "type": "Property",
                       "value": "MARUZI"
               "speed": {
                       "type": "Property",
                       "value": 68

3. http://<IP Address>:<port>/ngsi-ld/v1/entityOperations/update/ Body:

               "id": "urn:ngsi-ld:Vehicle:A101",
               "type": "Vehicle",
               "brandName": {
                       "type": "Property",
                       "value": "Porsche"
               "speed": {
                       "type": "Property",
                       "value": 95
               "id": "urn:ngsi-ld:Vehicle:A102",
               "type": "Vehicle",
               "brandName": {
                       "type": "Property",
                       "value": "SUZUKI"
               "speed": {
                       "type": "Property",
                       "value": 87

4. http://<IP Address>:<port>/ngsi-ld/v1/entityOperations/delete/ Body:
