***************************** Config parameters for Scorpio ***************************** This section covers all the basic configuration needed for the Scorpio broker. This can be used as the basic template for the various micro-services of the Scorpio. Description of various configuration parameters ############################################### 1. server:- In this, the user can define the various server related parameters like **port** and the maximum **number of threads** for the internal tomcat server. This is related to the microservice communication. Be careful with changes. .. code-block:: JSON server: port: XXXX tomcat: max: threads: XX 2. Entity Topics:- These are the topics which are used for the internal communication of Scorpio on Kafka. If you change this you need to change things in the source code too. .. code-block:: JSON entity: topic: XYZ create: topic: XYZ append: topic: XYZ update: topic: XYZ delete: topic: XYZ index: topic: XYZ 3. batchoperations:- Used to define the limit for the batch operations defined by NGSI-LD operations. This is http server config and hardware related. Change with caution. .. code-block:: JSON batchoperations: maxnumber: create: XXXX update: XXXX upsert: XXXX delete: XXXX 4. bootstrap:- Used to define the URL for the Kafka broker. Change only if you have changed the setup of Kafka .. code-block:: JSON bootstrap: servers: URL 5. csources Topics:- These are the topics which are used for the internal communication of Scorpio on Kafka. If you change this you need to change things in the source code too. .. code-block:: JSON registration: topic: CONTEXT_REGISTRY 6. append:- Used to define the entity append overwrite option. Change with only with extreme caution. .. code-block:: JSON append: overwrite: noOverwrite 7. spring:- Used to define the basic details of the project like service name as well as to provide the configuration details for Kafka, flyway, data source, and cloud. DO NOT CHANGE THOSE UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING! .. code-block:: JSON spring: application: name: serviceName main: lazy-initialization: true kafka: admin: properties: cleanup: policy: compact flyway: baselineOnMigrate: true cloud: stream: kafka: binder: brokers: localhost:9092 bindings: ATCONTEXT_WRITE_CHANNEL: destination: ATCONTEXT contentType: application/json datasource: url: "jdbc:postgresql://" username: ngb password: ngb hikari: minimumIdle: 5 maximumPoolSize: 20 idleTimeout: 30000 poolName: SpringBootHikariCP maxLifetime: 2000000 connectionTimeout: 30000 8. query Topics:- These are the topics which are used for the internal communication of Scorpio on Kafka. If you change this you need to change things in the source code too. .. code-block:: JSON query: topic: QUERY result: topic: QUERY_RESULT 9. atcontext:- Used to define the URL for served context by scorpio for scenarios where a mixed context is provided via a header. .. code-block:: JSON atcontext: url: http://:/ngsi-ld/contextes/ 10. Key:- Used to define the file for the deserialization. DO NOT CHANGE! .. code-block:: JSON key: deserializer: org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer 11. reader:- Used to configure the database to the Scorpio broker, required to perform all the read operations. This example is based on the default config for a local installed Postgres DB .. code-block:: JSON reader: enabled: true datasource: url: "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/ngb?ApplicationName=ngb_storagemanager_reader" username: ngb password: ngb hikari: minimumIdle: 5 maximumPoolSize: 20 idleTimeout: 30000 poolName: SpringBootHikariCP_Reader maxLifetime: 2000000 connectionTimeout: 30000 12. writer:- Used to configure the database to the Scorpio broker, required to perform all the write operations. This example is based on the default config for a local installed Postgres DB. .. code-block:: JSON writer: enabled: true datasource: url: "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/ngb?ApplicationName=ngb_storagemanager_writer" username: ngb password: ngb hikari: minimumIdle: 5 maximumPoolSize: 20 idleTimeout: 30000 poolName: SpringBootHikariCP_Writer maxLifetime: 2000000 connectionTimeout: 30000